Attending neighborhood and zoning meetings in your neighborhood is very important. At these meetings there are cases the members/council present to the community and others at the meeting. These meetings are always advertise on the city's website, the neighborhood website, or you may see signs posted around the city in the yards of the property the case was applied for. Members of the community can sign up to speak against any project they don't agree with or speak for any project they do agree with.
Attending these meetings will give you the opportunity to give your input on all development in your area, special events coming up, and even speak on things going on in the neighborhood like fixing potholes, crime in the area, etc.
Having a voice and speaking up for your community and neighborhood is the only way for change. With all of the new development that's going on in the City of Atlanta, the gentrification, no affordable housing, crime, and etc., it's good to stay up to date and informed with every project that is going on. Follow these changes and attend these meetings. Stay updated and informed by going to the city's website under the Department of Planning and read more on meetings and how to attend. Continue below on how to find your NPU, zoning, and how to attend meetings.

This sign is for a variance I did for a client. These signs has to be posted in the yard for the neighborhood to see.
What is NPU?
NPU stands for Neighborhood Planning Units. In the City of Atlanta, there are 25 NPUs. These NPUs were formed from over 240 neighborhoods in the City of Atlanta like Virginia Highlands, Adair Park, Ben Hill, and many more. NPUs were were established by the late Mayor Jackson so the residents of these neighborhood could actively participate in neighborhood meetings, know what developments are being done in the neighborhood, and to give input in those developing plans and to address the needs of the neighborhood.
How can I find my NPU?
Finding your NPU is pretty simple as long as you know your address. Using the City of Atlanta's GIS map system you can find your property zoning, NPU, and more. To find your NPU you will put your address in the search bar and submit. If you are in the Atlanta city limits, then your property info will popup on the right side of the screen in a dark blue tab. See the picture below. The example is the address of City Hall. The neighborhood for City Hall is Downtown and the NPU is M (see the red circle). This is how you find your NPU.

Now if you know your neighborhood, you can go to the NPU List, listed on the city's website and find your NPU. If you know your NPU and need to contact them, you can find the NPU contact list on the city's website also. Each NPU meet monthly and the meetings have been virtual. You can find out NPU meeting details, meeting links and other events at ATL City Design of the Department of City Planning. For information on the Bylaws for the NPU system, please visit the NPU Library on the City of Atlanta's website. The City of Atlanta also offers NPU education call NPU University. The university teaches you about NPUs and how they work. You can take a class for any NPU in the city.
For more information on NPU's and other zoning meetings, please visit the City of Atlanta's website and go to Department of City Planning.